We want to make our walks as enjoyable as possible for everyone. So please take a few moments to consider in advance what you’ll need for the day ahead – and come prepared.
What to bring:
• Packed lunch and plenty to drink
We may stop for a cup of tea at a café along the way – but it’s not guaranteed.
• Small rucksack/bag
To carry your lunch and any warm clothes. You may also want to bring a plastic bag/sheet to sit on while you tuck in.
• Walking gear
That means ‘sensible’ footwear! Walking boots are ideal, but sturdy trainers are fine (as long as you understand that they could get very muddy!). Make sure you also have a waterproof jacket, and maybe hat, scarf and gloves for the colder months.
• Car
If you have a car, it would be great if you could give some other women a lift from our meeting place to the start of the scheduled walk. (If you plan to drive direct to the destination, always check with the walk leader in case of changes.)
• Money
We take £1 from walkers towards our admin costs. We also use car-sharing to travel from our meeting point to the start of each walk. Please offer the driver of the car 30p per mile divided by the number of people in the car. The walk co-ordinator will able to give the mileage from our meeting point to the walk destination and return.
Hi, I am new to the scene, but would love to join the group. I am still coming out, so I need all the support I can get. I would like to get the information on how to get to the pickup point, and I also will not mind the lift service.
Hi Senge,
We have emailed you the details of the next walk.
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes
Boot Women ???
Hi I would really love to join the walk on the 8th May ,I’m coming from Birmingham on public transport can I get w lift from the pick up point please ,and where is it?
Thanks Simone
Hi Simone,
We’ve emailed you the details for shared lifts.
Boot Women