Other community groups:
Birmingham LGBT+ Social (Rainbow Connections)
Big community group for Birmingham and the West Midlands organising many different events. Boot Women walks are also announced here. Hosted on meetup.com https://www.meetup.com/Birmingham-LGBT-Meetup
West Midlands Lesbian Social Network
Private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/493392918541107
Gay Outdoors Club
Western Midlands group of the GOC https://www.goc.org.uk/groups/western-midland
Moseley Shoals
Birmingham’s LGBTQ+ Swim & Water Polo Group
For further details visit www.moseleyshoals.org.uk
Rainbow Voices
The West Midlands LGBT+ Choir https://rainbowvoices.org
Birmingham LGBT Centre
38/40 Holloway Circus, B1 1EQ http://blgbt.org
List of community groups linked to the centre: https://blgbt.org/support-groups