
Contact via E-mail: Let us know if you’d like to join our mailing list to receive details of all our walks and events
Contact via Phone:
Leave a message or send a text – we will get back to you as soon as we can.

We need more walk leaders!
Please volunteer. Training and support is offered.

Social media:
We are on X, and we post our walks on the Birmingham LGBT+ group. There is a Boot Women WhatsApp group that women can join if they sent us their name and number.





49 Responses to Contact

  1. dianne says:

    interested in walking and would love to join you all in one of your walks. I live in Shropshire. Can I just turn up??

  2. Carol Small says:

    Hi there,

    I see that you occasionally do walks in Shropshire (at least, I saw one posted for Church Stretton). Border Women (based in Shropshire and Herefordshire) has about 130 members or so and a large proportion of them enjoy walking. So if you do events down our way and would like to open them out to local women, please feel free to email details to and we’ll arrange for details to be posted on our network.

    Carol Small

    • Boot Women says:

      Thanks for your kind offer, Carol.
      We normally try to stay closer to Birmingham but will let you know next time we venture out in your direction.
      Boot Women

  3. Louise Williams says:

    Hi my name is Louise
    I am interested in joining your walking club. I turned 50 in January and thought it was about time I started doing something for me.
    Please could you send me details of Augusts walk and where you meet up unfortunately I don’t drive so will need a lift sorry.
    Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Louise,
      We have emailed you instructions.
      Looking forward to seeing you at the walk.
      Boot Women

      • Dr Nicola Murphy says:

        Dear Boot Women, on 7th April 2024 I sent a text message to the number given on the site to ask if I could join the group and your April 2024 walk; but did not get a reply. So, I am sending this message in the hope that one of the members will add my details to the group; so I can become a member, and join the May 2024 walk. Best Wishes, Nicola

  4. Debbie says:

    Hi interested in joining your group. Could you please me know detail meeting place and if I’m able to join

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Debbie,
      Welcome to Boot Women ?
      We’ve emailed you the details of our September walk and have added you to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe from it at any time.
      Boot Women

  5. Louise says:

    Hi – I’m interested in joining your walks, could you let me know the details of your next walk. Many thanks

  6. Angela Barry says:

    Hi me and my partner want to start walking / rambling do you do weekly walks on sundays thanks

  7. Jane Deegan says:

    I have joined your group through Meet Up. I ticked that I am interested in the walk on October 14th from Oakley Arms. I am hoping to be able to come. Is that ok if I just turn up, or do I need to do anything else?

    Also if I needed to cancel at any time, could I possibly have a contact email from you please, so I can let you know ? Thank you very much.

    Regards Jane

  8. Kay says:

    Hi , I’m hoping to join you on the 13th for the walk around Clowes wood, would you let me know the meet time and location please?
    Many Thanks Kay

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Kay,
      you are on our mailing list so should have received the walk details.
      Can you check your spam folder?
      We’ll send it out to you again.
      Boot Women

  9. Valeria A Ferreira says:


    I would like to be in your mailing list and received information about walks in the future, post-pandemic.

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Valeria,
      Welcome to Boot Women ☺
      We have added you to our mailing list.  You can unsubscribe from it at any time. 
      Boot Women

  10. Michelle says:

    Hi, I would like to be added to your mailing list to receive information about future walks.
    Many thanks,

  11. Sharon says:

    Hi there,

    Can you please add me to your mailing list so I get details of future walks.

    Kind regards

  12. Lisa says:

    Please can you add me to your mailing list so that I can hopefully join you on future walks.
    Thank you.

  13. kirsten says:

    Hello bootwomen
    I,m interested in joining you all for walks . I live in Herefordshire but love going anywhere. I dont mind leading some a bit later too
    cheers ,Kirsten

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Kirsten,
      Welcome to Boot Women 🙂
      We have added you to our mailing list.
      Details of the next walk will be sent out shortly.
      Boot Women

  14. Tracy Buckley says:

    I’m interested in joining the boot women walks
    I’m a carer for my mom therefore I won’t be able to commit to ever months walk
    Would you still consider me for the group?
    If so could you please add me to your mailing list
    Many thanks

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Tracy,
      Welcome to Boot Women 🙂
      We have added you to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.
      There is absolutely no expectation that you should attend every walk. Just join us when you can manage.
      Kind regards
      Boot Women

  15. Maggie says:

    I’ m Maggie, I noticed your walk activity in BCU, so interested in it, can I join your group?
    many thanks,

  16. Alison says:

    Hi, I’d like to join this group. How do I subscribe?

  17. Karen Hodgson says:

    Hi I’m looking to join a local women only walking group
    Where are you based please
    I’m in Lincolnshire

    • Boot Women says:

      Hi Karen,
      We are in Birmingham.
      Our walks mostly take place within the West Midlands area.
      Kind regards
      Boot Women

  18. Louise Carrington says:

    Hi there!

    My friend and I are interested in joining you on your walk on 13th July. Could you send me the details please?



  19. Jasmine Burgess says:

    Hi! I’m interested in joining the walk on Sunday – could you please send me the details?

  20. mitzie says:

    Hi can you please send me details for the walk tomorrow.

  21. Anoushka says:

    Hi, I’m interested in joining your walks, could you please add me to your mailing list?
    Thank you.

  22. Lynda says:

    How can you get on the mailing list for information about the walks?

  23. Pippa says:

    Hi, I am interested in joining some walks, could I be added to the mailing list?

  24. Lisa says:

    Is there a chat or a group for this walking group? Or a social media? In any case, could you poss add me to your mailing list? Thanks

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